I have a weird tendency to not watch the ending of TV series I like. You’ll notice that I didn’t say “habit” but “tendency” because I swear it’s unintentional.
I feel like I may have told you this at some point. Did I? My memory isn’t the greatest right now, still.
To this day, I haven’t watched the finale of 30 Rock, in spite of it being one of my top five favorite shows of all time.
Part of that stems from the whole Hazel character introduction because UGH. The rest is me worrying that the ending won’t live up to the show.
I remember when Seinfeld was ending, the script for the final episode leaked a month or more before the finale aired. This was long before Twitter and Facebook, but we had email so that script made the rounds. People debated whether or not to read it.
I chose to read the script and my initial reaction was “no way is this real.” It struck me as silly and not up to the standard of the show. When the Seinfeld finale aired, sure enough: that was the actual script I had read.
“Whoa, really?” I thought. I didn’t know if I was more disappointed by how they wrapped up this legendary show or by the fact that little old me had access to the script in advance.
The funny part is that when I rewatch the finale now, I think Seinfeld wrapped up perfectly.
And I’m not just thinking about endings because of my terrible summer (not completely anyway). I also read this amazing Vulture piece on the end of Six Feet Under which is still one of my all-time favorite shows ten years after its finale.
On top of the last episode being truly perfect, Six Feet Under introduced me to Sia. Thank heavens for that.